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2. Connect with... ​ 

3. Suitable for aspiring/new angel investors — as well as highly experienced angels

  1. Learn to be a "professional" angel investor... no experience necessary 

  • Learn best practices in angel investing

  • Gain from shared experience with HBS and Harvard colleagues 

4. Highly flexible time commitment 

  • Other Harvard Business School and Harvard University investors

  • Leading entrepreneurs and early stage companies 

  • Silicon Alley 

  • Evening pitch sessions suitable for members with work day commitments 

  • Flexible time requirements recognizing that member time availability will vary

5. Gain access to a wide variety of investor education end events 

  • Seminars on Investing and Entrepreneurship 

  • Industry events (e.g. clean tech, healthcare) 

  • HBS Alumni New Venture Competition 

  • Virtual Learning 

6. Diversify your investment portfolio diversification and improve your return potential* 

7. Take advantage of board, advisory, and mentor opportunities with early stage companies 

8. Enjoy lower dues than other angel networks. 

If you are Harvard-affiliated (by not HBS) and would like to join HBSAANY, please contact the Club office at

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