Planning and Feasibility Studies
Management and Direction
Major Gifts Enrichment and Stimulation
Communications Creative Services and Messaging (Print, Digital & Social Media)
Philanthropy Department Evaluation, Assessment and Guidance
Planned Giving Implementation
Fundraising Services
Strategic Services
Development Assessments and Audits
Donor Analytics, Research and Predictive Modeling
Strategic Planning
Volunteer Leadership Recruitment, Orientation and Personal Training
Board Development
Donor Analytics including Wealth Screening and Prospect Pool Assessment
Donor Recognition Programs
Corporate Research and Alliances
Foundation Research and Grant Proposals
Venture and Collaborative Philanthropy, Impact and Challenge Giving
The subtle difference is the context. Planning studies are presented in the context of "How" to advance a campaign. Feasibility Studies are presented in the context of "IF" to develop a campaign.
DCI studies are individual interviews with a representative group of prospective major donors, those who may be invited to become major donors, volunteer leaders, and professional staff. Meetings are friendly, comprehensive and strategic. The discussion presents final goals and strategy to cultivate, engage, and steward ownership.
The conversations are time and attention sensitive, business-like, intimate and thought-provoking discussions on personal engagement, philanthropic priority, strengths, weaknesses, and strategy. They provide a data-driven analysis of anticipated level of involvement and range of gift. The meeting instills confidence in organizational management and provides data-driven recommendations for the plan, timeline, leadership enlistment and the case for support.
A comprehensive Study and analysis based empirical evidence and experience
An accurate and achievable goal
A detailed plan including “job descriptions” and suggested time commitments
A well-defined leadership and structure
An integrated timeline
DCI provides a full complement of fundraising consulting support based on your unique needs and our deep knowledge of the Jewish philanthropic marketplace. Budgets for professional services, expenses and direct overhead range in costs from $ .04 to $ .08 for every dollar raised.
Management, Direction, and Implementation
Management may occur on a full or part-time basis. Our consultants interface existing personnel to coordinate and orchestrate day-to-day operations. DCI does not merely prepare reports for action; we stand by your side implementing custom programs according the Plan, Calendar, and Leadership Structure.
Initial activities may include:
Prospect analytics (rating) based upon wherewithal and willingness
Leadership and prioritization
Fashioning custom leadership recruitment outlines and individual training
Recruiting volunteers to assume specific leadership positions (tacit solicitation)
Office capabilities analysis existing database review, data mining, analysis, and predictive modeling, staffing and workload capabilities
Producing approved donor recognition programs
Crafting communications programs and messaging, and tailoring presentation materials
Timeline monitoring, adjustment and benchmarking
Next steps may include:
Research Analytics new prospect acquisition, wealth screening, predictive models and best practices utilizing the many companies with whom DCI has relationships and real experience
Refinement of communications collateral materials including a case statement, messaging, elevator speech, formal and flexible presentation materials (brochure), newsletters, web content, ePhilanthropy, surface mail and frequently asked Question and Answers
Direct solicitation of prospects for financial commitments utilizing a recognition program
Update of training manuals and trending briefing reports
Solicitation team solicitation training seminars
Scheduled group leadership meetings
Reviewing, modifying or creating Planned Giving Policies
Gift documentation
Corporate and Foundation (public or private) research and proposal implementation
Donor protocol and systems and unique circumstance letter library
Annual giving coordination including giving circles and recognition
Federal, and Local Government fund availability and grant development
Planning &
Feasibiility Studies
Planning and Feasibility Studies