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Your questions, answered

Should I get a fixed rate or variable rate?


We will sit down with you and discuss your objectives, the pros and cons of each and make a full recommendation.


When should I refinance?


You should always stay in touch with your Mortgage Broker to ensure you are on the best possible rate of interest. This is why at Green Door Mortgages we get you to sign our new Terms of Business which includes your consent which will allow us to stay in touch and proactively manage your finances for you ensuring you never sleep walk onto the Lenders Standard Variable Rate. 

Can Self Employed Access Mortgages?

Lenders have several ways of assessing self-employed applicants, from dividends and salary, to net profit before tax, it’s is our job to find the lender who best fits your scenario Standard Variable Rate. 

I have a poor credit history?

There are many lenders available who specialise in helping people who have previously defaulted on debt, or have had CCJ’s in the past.

How much can I lend?

All lenders view income differently, some with take additional income such as overtime, bonus, child benefit, tax credits and even maintenance into account when assessing the amount they will lend.

How much deposit do I need.

Potentially as little as 5% and you could become a homeowner!

Potentially as little as 5% and you could become a homeowner!

We offer a free initial consultation, no broker fee payable until the lender has assessed your application.

The typical fee for Mortgage advice is £499, but is dependent on your circumstances and the amount of time involved arranging your Mortgage.

Fees will be discussed and agreed at your first meeting. 

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